2,4GHz Multi-Protocol USB Transceiver with Single Port UART Interface. The product provides easily connection to either Zigbee, BLE ,Thread or Proprietary Protocol Devices/networks.
2,4GHz Multi-Protocol USB Transceiver with Single Port UART Interface. The product provides easily connection to either Zigbee, BLE ,Thread or Proprietary Protocol Devices/networks.
2,4GHz Multi-Protocol USB Transceiver with Single Port UART Interface. The product provides easily connection to either Zigbee, BLE ,Thread or Proprietary Protocol Devices/networks.
2,4GHz Multi-Protocol USB Transceiver with Single Port UART Interface. The product provides easily connection to either Zigbee, BLE ,Thread or Proprietary Protocol Devices/networks.
2,4GHz Multi-Protocol USB Transceiver with Dual Port UART Interface. The product provides easily connection to either Zigbee, BLE ,Thread or Proprietary Protocol Devices/networks.
Latest 800 Series Z-Wave SoC from Silabs. Provides easy and in-field control and monitoring of Z-Wave networks. Ideal for Gateways, Set Top Boxes, Raspberry Pi’s and other types of Controller devices.
Latest 800 Series Z-Wave SoC from Silabs. Ideal for Gateways, Set Top Boxes, Raspberry Pi’s and other types of Controller devices. Dual UART Port enables Advanced Network Mangement Features
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