The product is a low cost 2,4GHz Multi-Protocol USB Transceiver designed for Gateways, Set Top Boxes, Raspberry Pi’s and other types of Controller devices.
The product provides easily connection to either Zigbee, BLE ,Thread or Proprietary Protocol Devices/networks.
The product support Dual-COM Port operation, which allows a second Virtual COM Port to be used for Advanced Debugging, Data Package Tracking og Network Monitoring (stability and diagnostics)
The product supports Over-The-Wire (OTW) Firmware Update via the USB interface, which allows easy and quick in-field change between various Protocol stacks.
The 2,4GHz Multi-protocol USB Stick provides B2B customer with a highly future-proof hardware platform due to its easy adaption to a wide range of protocols, installation types and usage.
The product is offered as Pontoteq branded products as well as White Label, and can be supplied with “standard” Firmware as well as Customer developed Firmware.
The drive supports USB v2.0 full-speed and when plugged into a host device, the Zigbee/BLE/Thread USB stick appears as a virtual serial COM port.
In-field upgradeable
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